The Future of Fitness Product – FitXtra

We as Taner Technology, Inc., are a technology company that founded in United States Of America. Our goal is to produce and present products for the benefits of all humankind.
FitXtra was designed 2 years ago and developed as a prototype today. Our goal is for every person to do workouts easily and everywhere. You would need neither a sill, nor a tree, nor a corner, nor a wall. FitXtra is just enough for you.
With FitXtra, you can workout and develop all your muscles. FitXtra is a unique product with more than 50 movement and workout systems. With the advantage of being intertwined with sports for years, we are aware of what people need.
We have developed this product for you with this awareness. With the guide we will send, you will have information on how to train and you will be able to workout on your chest, shoulder, arms, legs, back and abdominal muscles comfortably.
We also offer you a 12-week workout plan and many other advantages for free of charge.

While we were developing the product, we took care to use quality materials, as it is a durable and light product. FitXtra can easily accompany you on your travels with its special bag.
It has an unbreakable and rigid structure with its steel pipe system, and a quality coating with artificial leather. We had worked to do whatever it takes to make you more comfortable.
As it is easy to set up, it can be easily dismantled and lifted wherever you want.